Let’s connect in Vegas at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s Western Symposium conference coming up in January!
Meet our team in the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino’s Exhibit Hall for the conference at Booth 238 to explore our AI-powered patient advocacy solution.
Let’s connect in Vegas at the Healthcare Financial Management Association’s Western Symposium conference coming up in January!
Meet our team in the Paris Las Vegas Hotel & Casino’s Exhibit Hall for the conference at Booth 238 to explore our AI-powered patient advocacy solution.
Meet our team and founder in the Colorado Convention Center’s Exhibit Hall at Booth 420 for live demos of our AI-powered patient advocacy solution.
Stephen Forney, Chief Financial Officer at Covenant Health and Tim L'Hommedieu, SVPPharmacy at Atlas Health will share best practices and a case study in their presentation, Optimizing Philanthropic Medical Financial Aid. Attend to learn on Tuesday, June 28 from 1:10-1:40 PM Mountain time at the Pikes Peak Stage HFMA Central in the convention center.