Covenant Health increased philanthropic aid by 420% with Atlas.
Read Case StudyView More Case StudiesAutomate patient assistance to improve access and health equity for patients while increasing operating revenue and financial performance.
Grow your revenue without increasing patient numbers by decreasing uncompensated care, bad debt and financial write-offs, ensuring patients can manage their healthcare expenses throughout their care journey.
Simplify the patient assistance process through automation, freeing up your staff from routine tasks so they can focus on more value-driving tasks.
Enhance the way patients view your organization by improving access to care and making it more affordable, benefiting the community you serve.
Improve health equity by making medical services more accessible to vulnerable patients, which leads to better clinical outcomes.
prevention in uncompensated care
improvement in financial awards
Real-time analytics quantify team output
Equity remains at the forefront of care delivery
Unlock more funding opportunities. Our award estimator uses our patent-pending matching engine to discover where patients fall through the cracks and funding opportunities are missed.
Learn about the new health equity measures and how revenue cycle can play an important role in strategies to improve health equity.
Read the White PaperCovenant Health increased philanthropic aid by 420% with Atlas.
Read Case StudyView More Case StudiesGet in touch with us to explore the possibilities of philanthropic aid automation. We are ready to help you transform your patient financial assistance systems for better patient outcomes and a stronger, more supported healthcare revenue cycle.